regenerativeOur extensive experience with sustainable and regenerative design strategies, and our knowledge of green building rating systems ensures that our projects achieve the highest level of sustainability possible within overall project goals and financial resources available.
Initial capital costs, life cycle costing, long-term maintenance and operating costs are all considered in the decision making process. Our experience proves that with exceptional design, vision and commitment, true innovation can occur and does not necessarily result in extra costs. Many of our clients, though committed to sustainability, are unable to commit to working towards official certification, as it usually requires additional costs associated with energy modeling, commissioning, contractor education, documentation, submission fees, etc. Adopting alternative standards and less prescriptive strategies for developing sustainable buildings have proven to be effective. |
Sistering a Women's place Drop-in centre Edgehill Homes Hamilton Gateway Visitor's Centre Merton Street LEED & Sustainability Consulting NRCan EcoEnergy Residential Audits Petrolia Affordable Housing Development Site Plan The Toronto Birth Centre |